Saint Bernard (medium coat) : : Male (neutered) : : Adult : : Large Learn more about the Saint Bernard.
Kenai is located in Ellicot City, MD.
Kenai is a huge, loving cuddle bug. He's a head-turner every time he goes out! He is SUPER friendly with everyone and stands still for head pets. Kenai is very good with kids and adults. He's a poster child during walks. Kenai is super good-looking and a silly pup. He might be 4 years old, but he acts like a 1 year old. He's pure joy to be with. Likes: Kenai loves to lie down next to you, snuggle, or just hang out with you. He is not particular about toys but loves his bones. He is happy to just lie around inside the house or outside in the yard. He does gets his zoomies every day. He loves you chasing him around. Dislikes: Kenai hates to be alone when his family is around. He's perfectly OK to stay home alone, but if you are home he would like to sit quietly by your side. Personality: Kenai is super chill and low maintenance. He enjoys the company of people. He has an easy-going, no-fuss attitude all the time. He loves to walk and explore the world with his person. He will not run too far or away from his people. He is a sucker for belly rubs but not food motivated. Temperament: He's a very easy-going, lucky boy. He will get the Zoomies and will jump on all fours like a bunny, alway ready for belly rubs and enjoys the outdoors. Energy level: Kenai could be a hiking bud in the cooler weather. He hates it when it's hot! He is always ready for a walk and socializing. He could be a coach potato if need be, but surely loves to be outside by your side. Favorite activities: Kenai loves to walk in the backyard behind you and sleep next to you. He also enjoys chewing on bones. He does patrol his territory when he is outside, as an good dog does! Good with cats, dogs, and kids (over 6) ?: Kenai is very good with kids. Dogs and cats with slow introduction. He is scared of dogs and would bark and curious about cats. Not good with: New dogs that are dominant. House-trained: Yes Crate trained: No and it's not recommended as he hates it and will find a way to get out, cry and whine. Requires a fenced yard (physical fence and or invisible fence)?: A fenced yard would be nice for Kenai but is not necessary. He likes to lie outside for long periods of time and likes to patrol his territory. He will not run away. Walks well on a leash?: Yes, very well. If he sees a dog on his walk he will bark, but a "leave it" command will stop him from barking. He's a very good listener. Challenges: Kenai needs some outdoor time daily. He seems to get super restless when he has not had his walks. He needs slow introductions with dogs that makes it hard to take him on walks that have dogs off the leash. He is quick to learn and thrives with consistency. Any medical issues?: He was Lyme positive. Has been treated but will always test positive. What would be the best kind of home?: Kenai needs a family where he can be given a lot of attention. An only dog home would be preferred as he takes some time to warm up to other dogs. He's fine with his foster brother after 2 months, but it took time and patience. Kenai is a super sweet gem of a boy looking to lounge around with someone part time and explore on walks part time. If you're looking for a handsome wingman, or someone to get you up and moving outdoors, or you're the caretaker type who LOVES to give others attention - this boy is for you!
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For additional information please review our FAQs or contact mastiffstomutts@gmail.com Mastiffs To Mutts Rescue reserves the right to approve or deny any adoption that occurs through this organization without disclosure. We reserve the right to make exceptions for special circumstances. More about KenaiGood with Dogs, Good with Kids
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